
Greenville Pickleball Club, Greenville, IL.

The mission of the Greenville Pickleball Club is to bring all kinds of people together over the common love of the great sport of pickleball, especially those in the Greenville, IL, area and in the vicinity of Bond County and beyond.

We wish to promote fun, respectful, engaging exercise and entertainment, healthy social interaction and friendship, and through regularly scheduled activities, contribute to the health and well-being of all participants.


Most people who play or observe pickleball will notice that this fun and engaging sport appeals to all types of people, and is downright addictive. This is a hugely positive addiction in that it causes people to want to swat balls, make friends, and laugh a lot, rather than sitting around like couch potatos.

Pickleball promotes mild but continuous cardio-vascular exercise over a few minutes (up to a 3-4 hours for the hard-core) that promotes agility, dexterity, fitness, and positive mindset. While small mishaps do occur (and are generally humorous, like when the overly ambitious swing and miss), this non-contact sport is generally considered to be one of the safest forms of competition. It can be played in a very playful and non-strenuous way, but for top competitors the level of exercise and mental struggle can be extremely challenging.

This unusual sports has the powerful ability to be played by athletes and non-athletes, those with all body types (and sizes), young and old (and sometimes the "old folks" play as well or better than the young folks), and promotes social interaction even while it naturally demands physical movement and mental exercise as well, as anyone who has tried to remember the score (or who serves next and from what position) can certainly tell you.

Come and join us! You can form your own opinion about whether or not all of these statements are true! And you will soon add yourself to the list of the truly but happily addicted. What do you say? Just one more game?